Regular Visits to Your Dentist: An Overall Healthier You

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Its goes without saying that visiting your Bothell dentist Dr. Crisafullipromotes good oral health. Did you know that it can also be beneficial to the health of the rest of your body? Studies show that maintaining positive oral hygiene and regular visits to the dentist will leave not only your mouth, but also the rest of your body in tip-top shape. Crisafulli Dental wants to help everyone in the Bothell and Kenmore areas to keep their dental health, as well as their overall health in pristine condition. dental services in the Bothell and Kenmore area, and are committed to providing you with exceptional dental services for a healthy smile and absolute well-being. We invite you to contact our team today!

Did you know:

  • Recently, studies have shown that periodontal disease may be related to breast cancer. In a study done at Karolinska Institute of Sweden, women with periodontal disease or missing molars were 11 times more likely to have breast cancer.
  • Oral diseases are linked to heart disease. People with periodontal disease are 50-75% more likely to suffer from coronary heart disease– that’s huge! It has also been found that gum disease and dental infections may increase the risk of stroke.
  • People suffering from diabetes are at higher risk of periodontal disease. It has been found that up to 93% of people suffering from gum disease may also be at risk of having diabetes and not even know it!
  • Pregnancy is one of the most important times to visit your dentist regularly and take care of your teeth. Pregnant women with gingivitis are more likely to give birth prematurely, and it may lead to health concerns for their baby. You are also more susceptible to getting gingivitis while pregnant.
  • Other health issues that have been linked to gum disease include pancreatic cancer, respiratory disease, high cholesterol and more.

If your gums hurt or bleed when you brush or floss, or if you have bad breath, this could be a sign of oral infection. Dr. Wendy Crisafulli and her team offer

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