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A Healthier Alternative to Silver Amalgam Fillings

For the better part of the last century, placement of amalgam fillings containing mercury was the preferred method for restoring decayed teeth. However, with exciting advancements in dental technology, we can now offer superior alternatives to this outdated filling material!

Bothell, Woodinville, and Kirkland area dentist Dr. Wendy Crisafulli and her highly-trained associates believe that restoration with bonded composite resins are not only a more aesthetic option, but a healthier one as well. Though many of the adult patients we treat have had amalgam fillings placed during childhood, these are now in need of replacement. Silver amalgam fillings tend to expand and contract with temperature changes in the mouth, eventually causing breakage of surrounding enamel. Also, because these fillings are held in place with mechanical retention rather than chemical bonding, the same area of decay may be restored more conservatively by using tooth-colored resins. The use of bonding agents also helps to ensure sealed margins, preventing decay-causing leakage that is common with amalgams.

What all the dental jargon boils down to is that tooth-colored composite resins look more natural and are much healthier than mercury silver fillings! We wouldn’t want anything less for our excellent dental patients.

For more information on how dental services can help you achieve better health, contact the office of Bothell, Kenmore, and Kirkland dentist, Dr. Crisafulli and her team today! We look forward to hearing from you.